The following steps is how to download using S3 command line from a remoted Linux box.
Step 1
Log into BUR-P-MO-ASP01 ( using the ndtv.mediaops profile.
Step 2
Review source information.
Your task should have the source asset number and filename for your download.
Example Task: Task - 7209324
Step 3
Because command line needs the exact path, you’ll need to confirm the location using CyberDuck first.
Note: Unless this is a small file DO NOT USE CyberDuck for transferring. This will take too long. CyberDuck is only to see what the exact file path is.
Step 4
Open CyberDuck.
Select pixelogic-disney-wonderland-production.
Locate the file path and file.
In this example this is what is given in the task instructions.
Here we can confirm that the file is in the correct location. Use this method in case the task instructions give an incomplete path. Often the folders start with WL_ followed by the date and asset ID.
Example: WL_2024_12_14_675ccd0f36dfdfc4068aff24
Step 5
Open Tight VNC
And Connect.
The password is the same as BUR-P-MO-ASP01 (
Step 6
This will open up a Linux box
Open Terminal by clicking on Activities in upper left.
This will make a pop-up window appear below. Click on the Terminal icon.
Step 7
Once you click on Terminal the following window will appear.
Step 8
Using BUR-P-MO-ASP01, create the destination folder.
In this example, the destination is going to be:
Step 9
Input the command line to send to desired location. Note colors added for easier reading.
s5cmd --profile Wonderland cp --sp s3://pixelogic-disney-wonderland-production/02_To_Pixelogic/WL_2024_12_14_675ccd0f36dfdfc4068aff24/ /mnt/pxl-pfs00/_source/_ndtv/h/high_potential/E0006/media/00_incoming/2024-12-13
It’s helpful to type this all out in Notepad in case you make a typo.
- Make sure all the slashes are in the same direction.
- Make sure to note where all the spaces are in the command line. For example, there is one space after the filename and before the destination.
- You can copy the s5cmd in these instructions in this template.
Copy the text from your Notepad and paste into Terminal (use right mouse button; keyboard shortcuts will not work).
Hit Enter.
The download will begin.
As the file downloads, check the destination, there should be a file there. If not, then you’ve made a typo somewhere.
Step 10
Once file completes downloading, ingest into OM as normal.
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